Dr. Christian Ule
Selected Publications on Egyptian Law (only):
- Registration with the Egyptian Federation for Construction and Building Contractors – EFCBC, in: CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, December 2019.
- Egypt eases requirement for Contractors’ registration related to new and renewable energy projects, in: CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, December 2019.
- Handbuch Internationales Handelsvertreterrecht – Wettbewerbsvorteile auf ausländischen Märkten (herausgegeben von Rödl & Partner), 3., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage 2018, Bundesanzeiger Verlag, Länderbeiträge zu “Ägypten”.
- Internationale Schiedsverfahren: Praxishandbuch, (Ed. Salger/Trittmann), in German, Chapter on Egypt, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2019, pages 754 - 765.
- Staff assignment in Egypt: Entry and residency of foreign service providers, Rödl & Partner, July 2019.
- Manager Liability in Egypt, in German, CBBL, Baden-Baden, April 2019.
- New Rules for Managers of Egyptian LLC, in German, CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-baden, February 2019.
- New Compliance Regulations for Representative Offices in Egypt, in German, CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, February 2019.
- Handbuch Internationales Handelsvertreterrecht - Wettbewerbsvorteile auf ausländischen Märkten (published by Rödl & Partner), 3rd, revised and updated edition 2018, Bundesanzeiger Verlag, country articles on "Egypt".
- Egypt has a new Consumer Protection law (Law No. 181/2018), in German, CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, 2018.
- Technology Transfer to Egypt, in German, CBBL, Baden-Baden, May 2018.
- Reverse Charge Procedure, VAT Law Nr. 67/2016, CBBL, Baden-Baden, March 2018.
- The New Importers` Registry Law in Egypt, legal updates, German-Arab Trade (GAT), September-October edition, 2017.
- Egypt: Amendment of the Import Register Act enters into force on 8 March 2017, CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, June 2017.
- Establishment of a limited liability company in Egypt, CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, June 2017.
- Inheritance Law in Egypt, published by CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, May 2017.
- Egypt as a logistics hub, published by CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, 4 August 2016.
- Commercial Representation in Egypt, published by CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, May 2016.
- Public Procurement in Egypt, published by CBBL Cross Border Business Lawyers, Baden-Baden, April 2016.
- Handbuch Internationale Produkthaftung - Produktsicherheit in den wichtigsten Märkten weltweit (published by Rödl & Partner); 2nd, completely revised edition 2014, Bundesanzeiger Verlag, country articles on "Egypt", "Lebanon", "Syria" and "Colombia".
- Handbuch Internationales Handelsvertreterrecht - Wettbewerbsvorteile auf ausländischen Märkten (published by Rödl & Partner), 2nd, revised and updated edition 2013, Bundesanzeiger Verlag, country articles on "Egypt", "Lebanon", "Syria" and "Colombia".